Great Loss Felt in the Church of Myanmar

From the believers in Myanmar:

Dear Brethren,

I have to tell you the home-going of my brother P. After fighting the COVID-19 for 17 days, P left this world to be with the Lord at 10:00 a.m on Sunday (August 1). P and I worked together in reaching the unreached people groups in Myanmar, and his home-going is like losing my right arm. I thought that how can I carry on our mission works, we have 93 missionaries who serve in across the country. Although it is difficult, I have to say Amen to God’s will. I want to say thank you to all who prayed for P while he was sick. Now he is completely healed in heaven. He is now enjoying the unspeakable joy there with the saints who went there.

P left his wife J and his son S 20 years old, New Life Children Home, Faith Missionary Training Institute, and 93 missionaries.

Let’s pray for the ones that he left behind.
Bro T

1 Comment

susan smith - October 18th, 2021 at 7:32am

Thank you for your service to our Lord; am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for your posts. Prayed for you today.



