Myanmar Relief: The Covid-19 Surrender

With Covid19 running unchecked through Myanmar and the military junta systematically crushing the people through terror and deprivation, a group of God's people in the city are banding together with a plan. So many believers throughout the city of Yangon are not able to go out for food or medicine, not able to get water. A call went out from the brothers for volunteers who would surrender to the threat of virus, setting the fear aside-- knowing that if they got sick there would be no hospital, no oxygen, no doctor, only hoping to serve the brethren. They have formed the "Christ's Servants Team."

From the Brothers in Myanmar:

"We will use the college building, one room is used for their office and a big hall will be for quarantine room for the volunteers. Thank you very much for helping us. Two drivers are ready, two ladies will operated the office [sourcing for supplies and fixing the schedules] four teachers and 3 other young men are ready for service. [So far] we couldn't find oxygen tanks."

"Christ's Servants Team bought some medicines, PPE and few other tools."

They will begin right away. Please pray.

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